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How To Use Pinterest To Promote Your Business

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If you are interested in the social media you have certainly heard of Pinterest. As a matter of fact, Pinterest is not a recently launched social network. It has been on the Internet for about two years but its bagged limelight only in the last couple of months. And what is more, Pinterest is a great tool to use for your business. Here are some useful tips how exactly to do that.

1. Introduce your products and services

The first and probably most obvious use of Pinterest. You can promote your business products and services by simply pinning your own products to share with other users in the appropriate categories and share them with a specific customer base.

2. Link with other social networks

Businesses already have Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. This is why Pinterest is a great value addition. You should redirect customers to Pinterest from these other accounts. It provides customers with a new way to interact with their favourite brands, and improves your business’ social media presence.

3. Customer Engagement

Although it’s all about images, Pinterest is a social network at the core. It’s an ideal platform for businesses to build a community around their brand. When users re-pin your items, make sure to comment and thank them. Follow other users, and encourage others to reciprocate your actions. Based on what I’ve seen so far, Pinterest has the potential to become a highly effective customer feedback tool.

4. Contests

I believe Pinterest is a great platform to hold contests to spread the word on your business’ products and services. Come with some innovative contest ideas, ask customers to re-pins, participate on specific boards or creating boards on their own.

5. Gifts

Add a price tag for the items you pin, and add your website link. Pinterest highlights such items in the “gifts” section on Pinterest. Make sure to use the Gifts section to gain more customer outreach for your products and services.

6. SEO

Pinterest is SEO friendly – when you pin your products, add your website link for SEO purposes. This way, you can get high quality backlinks whenever you or other users link to your products. Make sure you write concise descriptions and choose the right keywords to help improve your search-engine ranking.

7. Exclusivity

Lastly, you should realize that Pinterest is still a newcomer in the world of social media. Encourage customers to interact with you on Pinterest by offering exclusive content.

Have you used Pinterest for business yet?

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