GDPR compliance is anything but a one-time job
The new GDPR law came into force May 2018. There were some strict rules about collecting and using personal data. A while after this The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) started investigation on complying with the new legislation.
The ICO support information rights in the public interest and promoting personal data privacy for individuals.
There are already companies under ICO fines because of data protection failings.
The Uber’s UK branch recently suffered massive personal data leakage of around 2.7million UK customers. The information has been downloaded by attackers from a cloud-based storage system used by Uber’s US parent company. This included full names, email addresses, and phone numbers.
The ICO aims to help companies comply with the privacy of electronic communication and promote good practice by offering information and guidance. The ICO will take enforcement action against businesses that regularly ignore their obligations in regards to GDPR.

A lot of companies have taken major steps to become compliant with the new regulation. However, how can they be sure they followed the correct ones and are they covering all aspects of the General Data Protection Regulation legislation?
The first thing to be understood is that the GDPR compliance is anything but a one-time job. It is an ongoing process which if properly applied in a business’ everyday activities, will guarantee a successful corporate performance.
What is the point to struggle to comply with all the GDPR requirements only to find out that one of your employees has mishandled your customers’ sensitive data or fall victim to a cyber-attack resulting in a data breach? That’s why it is essential that all your employees properly understand the new requirements and changes that the new law brings.
GDPR Compliance