Back to the office after a lockdown
Tech tips for a smooth return to the office
What is your post-lockdown plan for employees returning to the office?
We have prepared a list of practical tips to ensure a smooth return to the workplace.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many organizations to quickly shift to remote-working mode. Now staying in your PJ while managing the workflow could become the new norm.
To some of us the transitional period to home office was a stressful experience. Nobody thought of Plan B.
Not yet.
As things begin to calm down, it is time to think about coming back to the office. Key aspects to think of are: environmental control, physical, administrative and information security. Here are some starting points to consider which will make the return smooth and swift.
People are the most valuable asset of a business. Staff well-being should be a main point to consider when planning to work from office again.
To create an effective strategy, try answering the following questions:
- Are the appropriate environmental conditions in place /incl. water and power supply, heating and cooling, etc./?
- Is your workplace properly secured to allow access to authorized personnel only?
- Have you ensured a proper social distance and supplied sanitizers and hygiene products?
A good approach would be to return employees to the office by departments, starting from those who run the most critical business processes.

When returning to the office after the lockdown you will need to review and update, if necessary, your company’s policies and procedures.
- Use of personal devices
- Processing of sensitive data
- Policy for home office – will it still be applicable after lockdown?
*It might be a good decision to include part-time home office option as a benefit for your staff – this will ease down the stress and show empathy.
If we are to learn anything from the lockdown, it is the importance of technologies. Companies should be able to quickly adapt to changes- modern technologies allow it. That is why it is important to pay attention to your equipment and systems, to always seek opportunities to upgrade and grow in terms of new technologies.
- Equipment
Before returning to the office, make sure all devices and networks work properly. If any company equipment was provided for remote work make sure you plan well whether the device should be returned upon starting office work or not.
- Remote-work considerations
Review collaboration tools and additional licenses used for remote work during the lockdown. Assess whether you would like to keep them or cancel your subscriptions.
- Data
Make sure to test all backups to ensure they work properly. Home-office work always hides the risk of losing confidential data which may result in rather unpleasant consequences – such as fines, loss of business, etc.

The transition back to the office might be different for everybody – some will be happy to return, while others might feel stressed and frustrated. After all, you can take certain actions that will sooth this process and help you and your team be glad to return and continue working as before.
Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance or advice on how to prepare your office equipment and technologies for “The Coming Back”.