We've all been in the position of receiving an unwanted e-mail, it could be a harmless marketing email, or it could be a more detrimental phishing e-mail that entices us to enter our personal information, much to the delight of many fraudsters worldwide. Some may even unleash a virus onto our computer that watches everything we do. Law enforcement agencies and banks are doing their best to stop the unwanted visitors by investigating e-mails and their origins, but with the best will in the world, they cannot counter the billions of emails sent each year.
Unwanted e-mail is the technological equivalent of having junk mail, only with more severe consequences in some instances. It is commonly known as SPAM, named after the famous Monty Python sketch where the canned meat known as SPAM was part of every dish. So how do we stop SPAM, well firstly we need to educate ourselves on what we are supposed to look out for. It's also worth taking into account how much time is spent dealing with SPAM messages.

SPAM e-mail takes a number of guises, sometimes they are a message sent to literally thousands of inboxes so may make little sense to the reader, some will be asking you to send funds so a larger settlement can be paid to you. Some will even ask you to enter your bank details in order to update your online account. Generally, banks will not ask you for personal information, and they normally have a forwarding address for you to send such e-mails so they can be investigated. And if an e-mail sounds too good to be true, then it probably isn't. Money is what makes the world go round, and the fraudsters who send these e-mails know this. While some who are familiar with such emails can shrug them off as a minor inconvenience, those who aren't as tech savvy could be easily fooled, resulting in them losing money, rather than acquiring funds as first promised.
Email also plays a very important part of running a business, as does allocate your time correctly. While it may not take more than 30 seconds to decide on what to do with such an email, add this time up over the year, is this time you can afford to waste on unwanted e-mails? Probably not. It goes without saying that most businesses and self-employed people would applaud a system that simply filters out that unwanted mail and any threats that come attached to that email.
Many email programs will have a filter that will allow you to mark a sender as SPAM, so all messages will be sent into a junk folder, but fraudsters will simply use a different spoofed email address next time, so this action doesn't always eliminate the hassle. Fortunately, there are a number of solutions from third-party companies that will take your hindrance on board, and make your online life easier moving forwards.
The Go Live UK Email Security Service is able to provide industry-leading protection against unwanted e-mails and the threats they try to promote. GESS's anti-spam algorithms and Predictive Sender Profiling means that 95 percent of these unwanted e-mails are netted and dealt with before we ever see them. The service also offers plenty of other useful features such as an anti-virus to stop those unwanted viruses entering your hard drive, and an anti-spoofing feature that blocks senders who send emails from fabricated addresses.
Businesses can also take advantage of the Business Continuity feature that delivers e-mails to an alternative network should their primary server become unavailable. If you would like to find out more about the features the Go Live UK Email Security Service can offer, then why not contact us for more information.