Google has announced that as of 21st of April new changes in its algorithms will increase the importance of websites mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor. In other words, Google will now begin to reward websites that are easy for mobile users to access and navigate.
At the end of December 2014 Google started sending official warnings to non-mobile-friendly websites, notifying webmasters about critical mobile usability issues on their websites. These warnings are not penalties yet, however, Google makes it clear that mobile-unfriendly websites will be ranked lower in mobile search results.
In Google's mobile search results websites optimised for mobile devices will appear with the label "Mobile-friendly" as shown below:

These changes are a result of the non-precedent increase of mobile users we saw in the last couple of years, making mobile optimisation main priority for website owners and especially for businesses in the e-commerce industry.
You Need a Mobile Optimisation Strategy to Remain Relevant
A recent study indicates that mobile commerce, referred to as mCommerce, is expected to grow in the UK by more than 77 percent this year.
Although traditional online sales are expected to grow just marginally, transactions completed from a mobile device will lead the way. This trend holds true all across Europe, with multiple nations projecting an increase in mCommerce dollars spent. For example Poland with 108.8%; Germany with 103.3% and Spain with 97.4%.
In 2015, the UK is projected to spend more than £14.95 billion via mobile devices, representing nearly 40 percent of all mCommerce transactions in Europe.
See more stats here- 8 Mobile Optimisation Stats Your Business Should Care About [Infographic]
Simply put, a business that fails to adequately capitalize on this mobile trend misses out twice:
- Less relevant when ranked by Google.
- Inability to capitalize on mCommerce revenue.
This is an important trend for businesses of every size. Mobile technology is here to stay, and it needs to be a clear part of your overall online sales strategy.
What You Need to Do Now
If you want to remain competitive in a world that is shifting to mobile technology, the time to craft your mCommerce strategy is now.
At Go Live UK, we specialize in the development of mobile applications, mobile web development, and mCommerce platforms.
Contact us today to discuss your mCommerce strategy.