You can offer amazing products at outstanding prices and provide unbeatable service, but you're only going to get customers if people can actually find you. That means SEO matters. Here are some points to help get your e-commerce websites noticed by Google.
E-commerce websites must be mobile-friendly

Mobile-friendliness is currently a key criterion in search-engine rankings. While this point applies across all sites, it is arguably much more of a challenge for ecommerce websites than it is for, say, blogs. Blogs are often simply text and pictures which scroll from top to bottom. The need for navigation is generally minimal. E-commerce websites, on the other hand, are likely to be more interactive, with users reading about, searching for and quite possibly comparing different products and services. This brings new design challenges and it is crucial to meet them.
Content is still king, even on e-commerce websites
There are two key take-up points from this fact.
In an ideal world, a copy should always be original and regularly updated. How feasible this is in the real world depends on a number of factors. If it is really too much of a logistical challenge for you to rewrite the product descriptions given by manufacturers, then you absolutely must put real effort into compensating for this in other ways, e.g. with terrific content pages and a killer blog.
Keep an eye open for other people abusing your content. Google loves content which is liked and shared and positively rewards signs of this user engagement. If, however, other people are copying your content for their own purposes, then, sadly both sites are likely to wind up being penalized for the duplication. Realistically speaking, sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and rewrite your own content. If the perpetrators are e-commerce websites working out of a jurisdiction where copyright enforcement is less than rigorous, then, whatever the law might say, you are unlikely to get redress. You can, should and must, however, keep a close watch on what employees and affiliates are doing. Is the former recycling copy over multiple domains? Are the latter simply copying your content without adding any value? You need to know.
Coding can make a world of difference to how e-commerce websites are ranked
This is a weighty topic - in simple terms, however, you want to make it as easy as possible for search engines to see what is on your site, both in terms of content and in terms of products/services. Google publishes guidelines on how to do this and it pays to follow them. For example, if you use previous and next buttons, then coding them according to the given specifications allows Google to judge the full extent of your product range. This will stop you from being penalized relative to the competition who appear to have more products available than you.
E-commerce websites live and breathe categories and keywords
One of the most absolutely basic fundamentals of SEO for e-commerce websites is to target the right keywords. In other words, you need to understand the search terms your (potential) customers are actually using and work with them. Google AdWords Keyword Planner can help you do just that – and it's completely free!
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